Q. What is the meaning of conditioning by family, society, or your culture?
A. At the time of birth, our soul carries certain past life conditioning like phobias, fixed notions, understandings, and patterns based on the previous life birth experiences, family, and culture, and now in the new form, our soul again starts learning the new experiences, but while learning these new experiences, our soul reacts and reciprocates depending upon the previous life birth experiences. It is utmost important for a soul to be free from all the wrong notions, conditioning, and patterns to grow and evolve. Therefore, with the help of psychological astrology, we identify past life patterns and highlight those lines to give you more clarity and understanding of the repetitive patterns that you are facing in your day-to-day life.
Q. Why do we face repetitive patterns in our lives in certain areas of life?
A. Depending upon our blockages and our conditioning, we react to certain situations in our lives in the same repetitive patterns and thus keep on revolving around the same circle. With the help of psychological astrology, we identify the root cause by understanding the planetary combinations and create a new pattern with the help of certain new rituals, understanding, and knowledge in order to make you free from the lower consciousness or lower energies.